Thursday, May 26, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011


Someone close suggested I should make a blog for all the random cameraphone pics I take.
I thought about it, and here goes.

The majority of pictures will be from my Android HTC ThunderBolt. These should be geotagged, so I will avoid posting pix with people I know.

I also have a Kodak Easy Share Z1012 IS. Until I get an EyeFi SD card, these will be rare and lack location info.

Disclaimer: while I may seen to verge on it, there is a DSM diagnosis of Creative Compulsive Disorder. I'm not there. It's just a clever name for a blog, riffing on how I take pictures of everything. But it doesn't interfere with my life.

No disrespect is intended to anyone living with this actual disorder.